One of the mandates of RNMU is to empower the leaders of the union and its members, the nurses/midwives through capacity building and creating awareness for them to be able to provide high-quality services to the population.
It is line with that mandate that RNMU President and SG provided a leadership talk to the leaders of Nurses and Midwives Student’s Association of Rwanda (NMSAR). The students met were the current NMSR president Byiringiro Olivier, the Public relations Byiringiro Esdros Bonheur and the treasurer Kamana Chaste
This meeting targeted leaders of the NMSAR. The major gist of the content was to build future leaders of nurses and midwives that could be productive and benefit nursing and midwifery students, the union and country at large. The meeting intended to enable nursing and midwifery student leaders to offer effective and servant oriented leadership.
The students who benefit from this area of RNMU pillar are in leadership positions of the NMSAR and young nurses and mid-wives, focusing on nurturing a breed of future competitive health care practitioners.
The meeting focused on empowering leaders with skills in action planning, advocacy and negotiation.
It is intended to enable student leaders to identify and handle issues internally and for them to be able to negotiate and handle disputes.
By empowering the young generation for future nursing and midwifery leadership roles, the young nurse leaders are determined to raise the image of nursing in Rwanda and RNMU is right behind them. Nursing/midwifery is a special profession of self-sacrifice in health and it should be recognized for that.