
On May 5th every year, Rwanda joins the rest of the world to celebrate the International Day of the Midwife (IDM). This day is set aside to honor and recognize the vital role of a midwife in healthcare, in women’s health across their lives and communities in general.

This year’s International Day of the Midwife (IDM) will be hosted by the Rwanda Association of Midwives in collaboration with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Health Development Initiative (HDI). Rwanda Association of Midwives (RAM) is the professional organization representing midwives and the practice of midwifery in Rwanda. It strives to champion the midwifery profession through advocacy as well as promotion of leadership, management and governance in health.

RAM is a partner of Rwanda Nurses and midwives Union (RNMU).  RNMU as a combined professional organization and trade union, strives to advocate and protect the nursing and midwifery profession in the aspects of professional development, labor, social and economic development. The vision of the Union is to have an empowered nurse and midwife who is motivated to provide high quality service and uphold professional excellence while enjoying quality life.

This year’s International Day of the Midwife’s theme will be celebrated under the “Together Again: From Evidence to Reality”. The International Day of the Midwife (IDM) is a chance to increase community awareness on the midwifery profession and scope of practice, find and create effective strategies to reduce maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity and provision of quality evidence-based care. Furthermore, it is an opportunity for midwives to get out of the health setting for their visibility, show that they do more than “catching babies”and celebrate with the community.

The celebration will consist of two main events: a week-long community outreach activity in the districts of Karongi, followed by a two-day scientific conference. It will be featuring hands-on training, selected abstract presentations, and partner exhibitions.

The conference aims are aimed at providing a platform for professionals to share their experiences, research findings, and lessons learned. It will enable them to establish professional networks that will help them perform their duties more effectively. This day will serve to honor and recognize the vital role that midwives play in the healthcare system as well as in the lives of women and families worldwide. It will also be an opportunity to raise awareness about the important work that midwives do and to advocate for better policies and resources to support their work.

This day also serve as a forum to discuss and commemorate the accomplishments of midwives in Rwanda, highlighting their crucial role in preventing maternal deaths and the necessity of reinforcing midwifery in Sexual and Reproductive Health.

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