Nursing Now Campaign 2018 – 2020 launched

Rwanda nurses and midwives Union (RNMU) together with nursing and midwifery partners launched the Nursing Now (NNC) campaign which will last four years from 2018 to 2022.

During the one-week of the campaign launch, from June 25 to June 29, 2018, health and nursing/midwifery stakeholders carried out activities promoting both professions and offered preventive services to the population attending the event campaign in Rwamagana and Huye districts.

Nurses and midwives from Rulindo district that are working in maternity ward were trained in Post-Partum Haemorrhage, Helping Baby Breath and Reproductive Health. The training aimed at decreasing maternal and child morbidity and mortality rates, in order to achieve the country’s 4th Health Sector Strategic Plan.

Nurses and Midwives from University of Rwanda, Rwamagana Compus, together with nurses and midwives from Rwamagana Hospital and health centers carried out community health activities including screening of diabetes, hypertension and HIV.

They also carried out promotion and prevention activities including reproductive health, family planning methods, malnutrition, hygiene and sanitation.

Nursing Now is a campaign (NNC) aiming at improving health globally by raising the status and profile of nursing, demonstrating what the profession can achieve, and enabling nurses to maximize their contribution to achieving universal health coverage.

NNC, a program of the Burdett Trust for Nursing, is a global campaign being run in collaboration with International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization. It is aimed at raising the profile and the status of nursing at global level.

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