On the 19 th July 2024, the RNMU National Union Congress met for an
extraordinally meeting in Kigali. The 77 out of 78 invited members met to discuss
on important RNMU issues that needed immediate action.

First, was to review and approve the amendments of the RNMU statute according to the Ministerial order no 02/MIFOTRA/23 of 01/08/2023 on occupational health and safety, employees’ organisations and employers’ originations, child employment, employment of a foreigner and leave. RNMU being an employees’ organisation, it did as per the ministerial order.

In a discussion with IGIHE, André Gitembagara, the head of Rwanda Nurses and Midwives Union (RNMU), highlighted that although significant progress has been made in enhancing the midwifery profession—with over 2,400 midwives now in Rwanda—there remain considerable obstacles for those in the field.

Second, was for replacement of the first Vice-President of RNMU according to the RNMU statute.Through ballot voting, the position of the 1st Vice President was replaced by Professor Mukeshimana Madelleine: She is a proud nurse and is a professor at the University of Rwanda College of Nursing and Midwifery.

Third, the Congress members had a mandate of electing new leaders of new organs according to the Ministerial order no 02/MIFOTRA/23 of 01/08/2023 on occupational health and safety, employees’ organisations and employers’ originations, child employment, employment of a foreigner and leave. The new organ elected leaders were:

Audit Committee members
  • 1. Chairperson: IYAKAREMYE Papius
  • 2. Member: IKIRIZA Carolien
  • 3. Member: UKIZENTABURUWE Jean Marie Vianey
Conflict Resolution Committee Members
  • 1. NDAYISABA Leonard
  • 2. Member: KAZINGA Epiphanie
  • 3. Member: NSENGUMUREMYI Jacques

To add on, the National Executive Bureau (NEB) changed to the National Executive Committee (NEC) with the following elected members

  • 1. President: GITEMBAGARA Andre
  • 2. 1st vice president: Prof Dr MUKESHIMANA Madeline
  • 3. 2nd vice president: MUTUYIMANA Chantal
  • 4. Commissioner in charge of Social Affairs and Gender: Umukundwa Yvette
  • 5. Commissioner in charge of Education, Training, Research and Ethics: BIGIRIMANA Anthony.

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